Sexual Wellness

Stop wishing you were 18 again

We don’t have to convince you — great sex is important. Whether you’re experiencing a loss or decline in libido or things aren’t functioning as they should, we have a number of solutions, for men and women, to bring intimacy and pleasure back to your relationship. Getting your spark back and feeling your sexiest is not impossible, it’s just science.

  • Better Sex & Orgasms
  • Stronger & Longer Erections
  • Increased Lubrication for Women
  • Increased Libido
  • Intensified Pleasure

PRP Shot

It’s a simple, nonsurgical procedure where platelet-rich plasma (PRP) from your blood is injected into your penile tissues. This is done to promote penile tissue growth resulting in better erections.

The PRP Shot, can help men suffering from:

  • Inability to Attain or Maintain Erections
  • Incomplete Erection or Diminished Sexual Stamina
  • Loss of Sensation in the Penis


Hormone & Weight Checkup

First, we’ll check how your body’s doing and if it needs more or less of anything — with our comprehensive hormone and weight checkup. That includes lab work, an EKG, and a full body composition scan.



We’ll discuss your results together and what they mean. Go over the options and possibilities, then agree on a plan of action.


Custom Treatment Plan

We create a complete treatment plan to get you feeling like your best sexual self. That’ll include the wildly popular and highly-effective PRP Shot. Plus, based on your lab results, hormone replacement therapy as well.

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